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How to prepare a soil sample for testing

Instructions for all samples:
Do not fill the container more than halfway with the material. To reduce the amount of sample material, you may combine and thoroughly mix the sample material separately in a sterile container, and then place a smaller amount of the mixture in the sealable bag.
DO NOT squeeze the air from the bag. Seal the bag with the air left inside it. Your soil biology needs oxygen for the trip.
Write on the OUTSIDE of the container with a permanent marker:
Sample name
Date sample was collected
Type of sample (compost, cultivated soil, field, etc.)
Type of plants you want to grow in the soil
Instructions for compost samples:
Take 1 tsp from a minimum of 5 different areas from a small compost pile, or 20 different areas from a large window at various locations and depths within the pile and combine them into a sandwich-sized plastic bag.
Instructions for cultivated beds and pots:
Take 1 tsp of soil from 5 randomly chosen areas that are representative of the whole area you want tested and combine them into a sandwich-sized plastic bag.
Take samples from below the crop/plant you want to focus on for the results. Dig a small hole 3-4 inches deep in the space midway between the stem of the plant and the edge of its canopy, aiming for the middle of the plant's root zone.
Instructions for field soil:
Take 3 tsp from 5 different representative areas per acre, selecting these at random and ensuring that they are well-distributed over the area of the field and combine them into a plastic bag.
Avoid boundary areas or any areas that are not representative of the field like a ridgeline or a depression.
Instructions for liquid samples:
Use a clean, non-breakable 8 oz. container (like a plastic water bottle with a screw cap).
Fill the container ⅓ full of the liquid (e.g., compost tea) and tightly secure cap or lid.
All samples should be mailed to:
Justin Whittaker
PO Box 556
Ester, Alaska 99725
If you need any further instructions, contact Justin with questions.
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